James SellersAffiliation: Pennsylvania State University Email: sellersj@psu.edu Title Of Talk: Infinitely Many Congruences for Broken 2-Diamond Partitions Modulo 3 Abstract: In 2007, Andrews and Paule introduced the family of functions $\Delta_k(n)$ which enumerate the number of broken $k$--diamond partitions for a fixed positive integer $k.$ Since then, numerous mathematicians have considered partitions congruences satisfied by $\Delta_k(n)$ for small values of $k.$ In this talk, we focus our attention on the function $\Delta_2(n)$ and explicitly identify infinitely many Ramanujan--like congruences modulo 3 which are satisfied by this function. WARNING: This page contains MATH-JAX
Last update made Wed Oct 24 15:32:53 EDT 2012.