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Heini Halberstam*

University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana


The Riemann Hypothesis


Time: 4:00 pm
Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2002
Room: Little Hall 101
Refreshments: The Atrium (LIT 339) after the lecture.


The Riemann Hypothesis, perhaps the most celebrated unsolved problem in mathematics, is one of the seven "Million Dollar Problems". In 1859 Bernhard Riemann delivered an address "On the number of primes less than a given magnitude" to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin. In the course of the lecture, he considered a meromorphic function of the complex variable $s=\sigma+it$, now known as Riemann's zeta function, whose non-real zeros all lie in the infinite strip $0\le\sigma\le1$, and, as Riemann showed, have an intimate connection with the distribution of prime numbers. Riemann expressed the opinion that, "very probably", all these zeros actually lie on the line $\sigma=1/2$. This is the Riemann Hypothesis (RH). The aim of this talk is to sketch what is known about RH and to describe evidence as there is for and against it. The talk will touch briefly on the current activity related to RH.


Photographs from the lecture


NUMBER THEORY SEMINAR: 12:50pm, Tuesday, February 12 in LIT 368.
Heini Halberstam on "The Brun-Hooley Sieve."


* Heini Halberstam, a renowned number theorist, is a world authority in the area of Sieve Methods. He is the author of numerous fundamental papers and two very well known books. An outstanding speaker, Professor Halberstam served as Chairman of the Mathematics Department at the University of Illinois, Urbana during 1980--88. He is now Professor Emeritus in Urbana.

University of Florida * Mathematics * Contact Info


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