Graduate Number Theory Seminar

DATE: Tuesday, October 6 (2009), at 3:00pm  
SPEAKER: Krishnaswami Alladi
TITLE: On the number of uncancelled elements in the sieve of Eratosthenes

Given the list of primes up to x, the sieve of Eratostnenes is a procedure to generate primes from x to x2. Equivalently, in the interval [1,x], if we sieve out the multiples of all the primes p < sqrt(x), we are left with the primes. What happens if we sieve out only the multiples of primes p<y? We are then left with integers which have fewer than α=logx/logy prime factors. When α is small, these integers are called "almost primes". We will discuss a famous 1950 paper of N. G. deBruijn in which the number of uncancelled elements by sieving [1,x] by primes up to y is investigated and asymptotic estimates uniform in y are obtained. We are led to study the behavior of a certain function of α which satisfies a difference-differential equation. As α tends to infinity, this function tends to exp(-γ), where γ is Euler's constant.

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Last update made Sun Oct 4 12:00:53 EDT 2009.