Fall 2009 Graduate Number Theory Seminar

Tuesdays 8th Period (3:00-3:50pm)
305 Little Hall

Date     Speaker             Title                                                                
Sep 1 Krishnaswami Alladi   Mertens constants in prime number theory
Sep 8 Krishnaswami Alladi   On the normal number of prime factors of the integers
Sep 15 Krishnaswami Alladi   On the normal number of prime factors of the integers II
Sep 22 Krishnaswami Alladi   Ramanujan's proof of Bertrand's postulate
Oct 6 Krishnaswami Alladi   On the number of uncancelled elements in the sieve of Eratosthenes
Oct 13 Krishnaswami Alladi   On the number of positive integers < x and free of prime factors > y
Oct 20 Krishnaswami Alladi   The Moebius function and integers without small prime factors
Nov 3 Krishnaswami Alladi   Sums of the Moebius function over integers with small prime factors
Nov 10 Krishnaswami Alladi   Sums of the Moebius function and the Prime Number Theorem for Arithmetic Progressions
Nov 17 No Seminar   
Nov 24 Todd Molnar   An Easy Proof of Dirichlet's Theorem on Primes in arithmetic progressions
Dec 1 Todd Molnar   An Easy Proof of Dirichlet's Theorem on Primes in arithmetic progressions - II
Dec 8 Rob Vary   A motivated account of Selberg's identity for the elementary proof of the Prime Number Theorem

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Fall 2009

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For further information, contact Dr. Alladi at alladik@ufl.edu

Last update made Mon Dec 7 23:05:07 EST 2009.