Graduate Number Theory Seminar

DATE: Tuesday, November 10 (2009), at 3:00pm  
SPEAKER: Krishnaswami Alladi
TITLE: Sums of the Moebius function and the Prime Number Theorem for Arithmetic Progressions

We will discuss my 1997 paper

Duality between prime factors and an application to the prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions J. Num Th. 9 (1977), 436-451.

in which a new duality identity between the smallest and largest prime factors is established using the Moebius function. Applications of this duality will be discussed, most notably sums of the Moebius function that are intimately connected with the prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions. The classical results involve sums of the Moebius function multiplied by Dirichlet characters; here the novelty lies in studying the Moebius function with the largest and smallest prime factors lying in arithmetic progressions.

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Last update made Sat Nov 7 18:38:35 EST 2009.