Graduate Number Theory Seminar

DATE: Tuesday, October 20 (2009), at 3:00pm  
SPEAKER: Krishnaswami Alladi
TITLE: The Moebius function and integers without small prime factors

We shall discuss my paper

"Asymptotic estimates of sums involving the Moebius function" Journal of Number Theory, 14 (1982), 86-98

in which the sum of the Moebius function over integers n<x all of whose prime factors are >y is analyzed. We shall obtain asymptotic estimates that are uniform in y by studying a function of α=lox/logy that satisfies a difference differential equation, and discuss some novel applications in prime number theory. Interestingly, this sum of the Moebius function is closely related to the function ψ(x,y) - the number of integers <x all of whose prime factors are <y.

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Last update made Mon Oct 19 16:50:34 EDT 2009.