Graduate Number Theory Seminar

DATE: Tuesday, November 3 (2009), at 3:00pm  
SPEAKER: Krishnaswami Alladi
TITLE: Sums of the Moebius function over integers with small prime factors

We will discuss my paper

Asymptotic estimates of sums involving the Moebius function -II, Transactions AMS 222 (1982), 87-105

in which uniform estimates for the sum of the Moebius function over integers <x having all prime factors <y are obtained. This is the conjugate problem compared to the sums of the Moebius function over integers free of small prime factors. Here too the analysis of a function satisfying a difference-differential equation is required, but the outcome is very different: This sum of the Moebius function changes sign infinitely often and the study of sign changes leads to connections with fundamental results in prime number theory. Analytic methods are employed to partially settle a problem of Erdos on the Moebius function.

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Last update made Sat Nov 7 18:30:11 EST 2009.