Graduate Number Theory Seminar

DATE: Tuesday, December 8 (2009), at 3:00pm  
TITLE: A motivated account of Selberg's identity for the elementary proof of the Prime Number Theorem

The prime number theorem asserts that the number of primes not exceeding x is asymptotically equal to x/logx. This striking result was proved independently by Hadamard and de la Vallee Poussin in 1896. But an elementary proof was not discovered until 1949, when P. Erdos and A. Selberg, using an identity previously proved by Selberg in an elementary way, independently succeeded in giving elementary proofs. These proofs by Selberg and Erdos, although elementary (in the sense that no complex variable theory is used), are not simple.

In his 1969 paper, Norman Levinson gives a self contained and motivated account of an elementary proof of the prime number theorem by the use of the Iseki-Tatuzawa identity to obtain Selberg's identity using simplifications due to Wright and Levinson. In this talk I will give an overview of Levinson's paper and discuss the proof of Selberg's identity. Subsequently (in spring 2010) I plan to continue and complete the discussion of the elementary proof of the prime number theorem.

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Last update made Mon Dec 7 23:03:35 EST 2009.