Fall 2007 Number Theory Seminar

Tuesdays 7th Period (1:55-2:45pm)
368 Little Hall (usually)

Date     Speaker             Title                                                                
Sep 18 Alex Berkovich GBG-rank and counting at roots of unity
Sep 25 Alex Berkovich GBG-rank of partitions and counting at roots of unity (part II)
Oct 2 Alex Berkovich (s,t)-cores
Oct 9 Alex Berkovich (s,t)-cores (part 2)
Oct 16 Alex Berkovich (s,t)-cores (part 3)
Oct 23 Krishna Alladi Partitions with non-repeating odd parts and q-hypergeometric identities
Oct 30 Krishna Alladi Partitions with non-repeating odd parts and q-hypergeometric identities (part 2)
Nov 6 Frank Garvan Congruences for Andrews' smallest parts function and Dyson's rank
Nov 13 Frank Garvan Congruences for Andrews' smallest parts function and Dyson's rank (part 2)
Nov 20 Frank Garvan Congruences for Andrews' smallest parts function and Dyson's rank (part 3)
Nov 27 Daniel Martin and Joel Rosenfeld An Elementary Proof of the Prime Number Theorem
Dec 4 Keith Grizzell and Paul McNair An Elementary Proof of the Prime Number Theorem (Part 2)

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For further information, contact Dr. Berkovich at alexb@math.ufl.edu

Last update made Mon Dec 3 10:28:10 EST 2007.