Maple Bailey Package - Installation Instructions

These instructions are for Windows and Maple 13. If you are using a different version of Maple just change "13" to whatever.
  • STEP 0
    Do you have the qseries package?
    If not, then you will need to install before proceeding.
    The bailey package will not work without the qseries package.
  • STEP 1
    Create a directory for your maple lib (dotm) files.
    My directory is called mylib and is under the Maple 13 directory.
    This is what I did to create it:
    • Click Start
    • Click Run
    •  cd c:\"Program Files"\"Maple 13" 
    •  mkdir mylib
    You should now have a new directory called mylib.
  • STEP 2
    Set up a maple.ini file. This file is created in the Users subdirectory and contains the following lines:
    Homelib:="C:\\Program Files\\Maple 13/mylib":
    libname := libname, Homelib:
    Continuing from above we could do the following in the cmd window:
        cd Users
        echo Homelib:="C:\\Program Files\\Maple 13/mylib": > maple.ini 
        echo libname := libname, Homelib: >> maple.ini
    Now you should have a file maple.ini containing two lines of code.
  • STEP 3
    Download the file This file contains MAPLE code for setting up and saving the package. Save this file in a place where you keep your MAPLE programs. I saved it in a special directory:
    This program saves the bailey package in the mylib directory. If you want to save it in a different place you will need to edit the file.
  • STEP 4
    Install the bailey package. Start MAPLE and do something like the following.
    > libname;
         "C:\Program Files\Maple 13/lib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 13/mylib"
    # libname should contain the name of your local maple library directory.
    # This is set by the initialization file maple.ini which is in the directory
    # C:\Program Files\Maple 13\Users
    > currentdir();
    # This lists the current directory. We change the current directory to the
    # directory which contains the file bailey-wmprog-maple13-win.txt
    > currentdir("H:\\maple\\mypackages\\bailey\\wmprog");
    > currentdir();
    > read "bailey-wmprog-maple13-win.txt":
    BEGIN bailey package
    TABLE TYPE bailey = true
    END bailey package
    # No error was produced. Quit and restart maple to test the package.
    You will need to change "H:....wmprog" to the appropriate place.
    This program installs the package as a file bailey.m in the mylib dir. ALSO SEE
  • STEP 5
    Exit MAPLE and restart it to test the package:
    > with(bailey);
             [alphadown, alphafind, alphaup, betadown, betafind, betaup]
    > alphaup();
       This proc is used to move right in  a Bailey chain.
       In the Bailey chain 
       .. -> (alpha[n],beta[n]) -> (alpha'[n],beta'[n]) ->
       this proc returns alpha'[n] given alpha.
       As usual we have assumed rho1,rho2=infinity.
    > with(qseries):
    > beta1:=(a,q,n)->1/aqprod(q,q,n):
    > for j from 0 to 3 do print(alphafind(a,q,beta1,j)); od;
                                        /        2\
                                    a q \-1 + a q /
                                  - ---------------
                                        -1 + q     
                            /        4\  5  2           
                            \-1 + a q / q  a  (-1 + a q)
                                          /      2\     
                                 (-1 + q) \-1 + q /     
                       /        6\  12  3            /        2\
                       \-1 + a q / q   a  (-1 + a q) \-1 + a q /
                     - -----------------------------------------
                                      /      2\ /      3\       
                             (-1 + q) \-1 + q / \-1 + q /       
    > for j from 0 to 3 do print(betadown(a,q,beta1,j)); od;
    > alpha1:=(a,q,n)->alphafind(a,q,beta1,n);
    (a, q, n) -> alphafind(a, q, beta1, n)
    > for j from 0 to 3 do print(betafind(a,q,alpha1,j));od;
                                      - ------
                                        -1 + q
                                          /      2\
                                 (-1 + q) \-1 + q /
                           - ----------------------------
                                      /      2\ /      3\
                             (-1 + q) \-1 + q / \-1 + q /
    > qfactor(betafind(a,q,alpha1,4));
                                 /     2\ /     3\ /     4\
                         (1 - q) \1 - q / \1 - q / \1 - q /
    Do you get this? See

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Created by F.G. Garvan ( on Thursday, February 7, 2013.
Last update made Thu Feb 7 13:00:52 EST 2013.