FUNCTION :  qseries[findhomcombomodp] - tries to express a q-series as a
                                        homogeneous polynomial of degree n of
                                        a given list of q-series modulo p


CALLING SEQUENCE :  findhomcombomodp(f,L,p,q,n,topshift,etaoption)

PARAMETERS :   L   - list of q-series
               p   - prime
               q   - variable
               n   - positive integer
               topshift - integer greater than -20
               etaoption - yes, no



findhomcombomodp is a modp version of findhomcombo.

findhomcombomodp(f,L,p,q,n,topshift,etaoption) returns a set of potential
set of linear combinations mod p from L for the given q-series f.
This is modp version of findhomcombo.
The value of topshift is usually taken to be zero. Howeverm if
it appears that spurious relations are being generated then a higher
value of topshift should be taken.

If etaoption=yes then each function in the combination is %converted%
into an eta-product.

NOTE: There is a global variable X that is reassigned each time the
function is called. This variable is used to display the combinations.
If the list L is linearly dependent more than one linear combination
may be returned.



SEE ALSO :  findhomcombo