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    Huang, Sen-Shan(RC-CHED)
    On modular relations for the Göllnitz-Gordon functions with applications to partitions. (English summary)
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    Chen, Shu-Ling(RC-CHED); Huang, Sen-Shan(RC-CHED)
    New modular relations for the Göllnitz-Gordon functions. (English summary)
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    Hahn, Heekyoung(1-IL)
    Septic analogues of the Rogers-Ramanujan functions.
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    Berndt, Bruce C.(1-IL); Yesilyurt, Hamza(1-FL)
    New identities for the Rogers-Ramanujan functions.
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  • 2302552 (2008d:11039)
    Bringmann, Kathrin(1-WI); Swisher, Holly(1-OHS)
    On a conjecture of Koike on identities between Thompson series and Rogers-Ramanujan functions. (English summary)
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    Berndt, Bruce C.; Choi, Geumlan; Choi, Youn-Seo; Hahn, Heekyoung; Yeap, Boon Pin; Yee, Ae Ja; Yesilyurt, Hamza; Yi, Jinhee
    Ramanujan's forty identities for the Rogers-Ramanujan functions. (English summary)
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  • 2337039 (2008g:11178)
    Baruah, Nayandeep Deka(6-TEZP); Bora, Jonali(6-TEZP)
    Further analogues of the Rogers-Ramanujan functions with applications to partitions. (English summary) Combinatorial number theory, 81–101, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2007.
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    Adiga, Chandrashekar(6-MYSO-STM); Vasuki, K. R.(6-MYSO-STM); Kumar, B. R. Srivatsa(6-AITB-DM)
    On modular relations for the functions analogous to Rogers-Ramanujan functions with applications to partitions. (English summary)
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  • 2382776 (2008m:33039)
    Baruah, Nayandeep Deka(6-TEZP); Bora, Jonali(6-TEZP)
    Modular relations for the nonic analogues of the Rogers-Ramanujan functions with applications to partitions. (English summary)
    J. Number Theory 128 (2008), no. 1, 175–206.
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  • 2521474 (2011a:33044)
    Yesilyurt, Hamza(TR-BILKS)
    A generalization of a modular identity of Rogers. (English summary)
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  • 2676902 (2011f:11135)
    Vasuki, K. R.(6-MYSO-STM); Guruprasad, P. S.(6-MYSO-STM)
    On certain new modular relations for the Rogers-Ramanujan type functions of order twelve. (English summary)
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  • 2845739 (2012h:11148)
    Xia, Ernest X. W.(PRC-UJS); Yao, X. M.(PRC-UJS)
    Some modular relations for the Göllnitz-Gordon functions by an even-odd method. (English summary)
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