- Number theory, Combinatorics and Discrete mathematics
- Analytic number theory, Sieve methods and Probabilistic number theory
- Diophantine approximations
- Partitions and q-series identities
Distinguished Visiting Professor
- The Theory of Partitions and Related Areas
- Additive number theory — partitions, combinatorics, basic q-hypergeometric series
- Mathematical Physics — quantum exactly integrable models, conformal field theory, special functions
- Number Theory - Partition Congruences, Mock Theta Functions and Mock Modular Forms
- Basic Hypergeometric Series
- Symbolic Computation

- Number Theory
- Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
- Combinatorics
- Analytic number theory, automorphic forms, distribution of primes, ellipticcurves, modular forms, pretentious analytic number theory, sieve methods, special values of L-functions, zeros of L-functions.