Spring 2010 Number Theory Seminar

Usually Tuesdays 7th Period (1:55-2:45pm)
and usually in 368 Little Hall

Occasionally the seminar is in The Atrium and sometimes an extra seminar may occur on a different day.

Date....     Speaker             Title                                                                
Jan 11 Jon Borwein (U.Newcastle)   Moments of Ramanujan's alternative elliptic integrals
Jan 18 Roger Baker (Bringham Young U.)   Primes in arithmetic progressions to spaced moduli
Feb 8 Kenneth Gross (U. Vermont)   An Introduction to Special Functions of Matrix Argument
Feb 15 George Andrews (Penn.State)   The Anti-Telescoping Method I
Feb 22 George Andrews (Penn.State)   The Anti-Telescoping Method II
Mar 1 Li-Chien Shen   On a class of elliptic functions associated with the incomplete integral of F(1/4,3/4;1/2;x)
Mar 21 N. Vijayarangan   Some applications of number theory
Mar 22 John G. Thompson   The Divisor Matrix, Dirichlet Series and SL(2,Z)
Mar 29 Alexander Berkovich   About certain ternary quadratic forms and other idle questions
Apr 5 Keith Grizzell   Using Injections to Prove Certain Partition Inequalities
Apr 12 OPEN   
Apr 19 OPEN   

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For further information, contact Dr. Berkovich at alexb@ufl.edu

Last update made Tue Apr 5 13:24:58 EDT 2011.