- cuspmake1 - set of inequivalent cusps for Gamma[1](N)
- CUSPSANDWIDMAKE1 - set of inequivalent cusps for Gamma[1](N)
with corresponding widths
- cuspwid1 - cusp width in Gamma[1](N)
- eeta - symbolic form eta(n*tau)
- egeta - symbolic form eta[n,g](tau)
- eta2geta - convert from ETA to eta notation
- eta2jac - convert from ETA to JAC notation
- _etan - symbolic form eta(n*tau)
- _ETAn - a symbolic form for eta(n*tau) in terms of JAC
- _etanm - symbolic form eta[n,m](tau)
- _ETAnm - a symbolic form of generalized eta-function eta[n,m](tau)
in terms of JAC
- Gamma1ModFunc - Checks whether the generalized eta-quotient
corresponding to the geta-list L is a
modular function of Gamma[1](N)
- getacuspord - order of generalized eta-product at a cusp
- GETAP2getalist - Convert a quotient of generalized
eta-products into a (geta)-list
- getalist2jacprod - Convert a getalist to a jacprod
- getaprodcuspORDS - ORD of generalized-etaproduct at each cusp
- getaprodcuspord - invariant order of a generalized-etaproduct at a cusp
- jac2eprod - Convert a quotient of theta-functions to generalize eta-products
- jac2getacombo - Convert a linear combination of jacprods into
a linear combination of getaprods (using
standard eta-notation)
- jac2getaprod - Convert a quotient of theta-functions to
generalize eta-products using eta-notation
- jacbase - q-base of a jacprod
- jacnormalid - Renormalizes a sum of jacprods by dividing by the
term with the lowest power of q.
- JACP2jaclist - Convert a quotient of jacprods
into a (jac)-list
- jcombobase - q-base of a sum of jacprods
- mintotORDS - lower bound for sum of ORDS
- mixedjac2jac - converts a sum of quotients of jacprods to a
common base
- numcuspequiv1 - Number of inequivalent cusps of of Gamma[1](N)
- printJACIDORDStable - print a table of ORDS of a jacprod identity
- processjacid - processes jacprod identity
- provemodfuncid - prove theta-function identity
- provemodfuncidBATCH - prove theta-function identity
- thetaidschanges - recent changes in thetaids package
- thetaidspversion - version of thetaids package
- Acmake - the set A[c]
- Bord - Calculates a order of a theta-function at a cusp
- cuspequiv1 - determines whether two cusps ate GAMMA[1](N)-equivalent
- cuspsetinequiv1 - determine Gamma[1](N)-inequivalence of given set of cusps
- DivCheck - Check certain divisor condition
- ejac - used in jac2eprod
- fpart - fractional part
- gterm2jacprod - Convert list [b,a,c] to corresponding jacprod
- JACCOF - constant 1
- lqdegree - lowest degree in q
- lqdegree0 - power of q in a q-monomial
- newxy - Compute new x,y mod N
- phiset - Relatively prime integers
- qjacdegree - q-degree of a jacterm
- QP2 - {x}^2 - {x} + 1/6
- rmcofjac - Remove constant coefficient of a jacterm
- rmcofnotqjac - Remove constant coefficient of a jacterm
- Scmake - the set S[c]
- srep -
- sset -
- v0 - 2*ORD(G,0)
- vinf - 2*ORD(G,oo)
The url of this page is
Created by
F.G. Garvan
( on
Thursday, July 25, 2013.
Last update made Wed Dec 31 12:48:07 PST 2014.