• aqprod - the product (1-a)(1-aq)..(1-aq^(n-1))
  • changes - print out list of recent changes to qseries package
  • etamake - Convert a q-series into an eta-product expansion
  • etaq - Dedekind eta product
  • findhom - finds a set of potential homogeneous relations among a list of q-series.
  • findhomcombo - tries to express a q-series as a homogeneous polynomial of degree n of a given list of q-series.
  • findhomcombomodp - tries to express a q-series as a homogeneous polynomial of degree n of a given list of q-series modulo p
  • findhommodp - finds a set of potential homogeneous relations modp among a list of q-series.
  • findlincombo - tries to express a q-series as a linear combination of a given list of q-series.
  • findlincombomodp - tries to express a q-series as a linear combination mod p of a given list of q-series.
  • findnonhom - finds a set of potential non-homogeneous relations among a list of q-series.
  • findnonhomcombo - tries to express a q-series as a polynomial of degree n of a given list of q-series.
  • findpoly - tries to find a polynomial relation between two given q-series with degrees specified.
  • jac2prod - converts a product of theta functions into q-product form.
  • jac2series - converts a product of theta functions into a product of q-series.
  • jacprod - Jacobi-type infinite product
  • jacprodmake - Convert a q-series into a product of theta functions if possible
  • mprodmake - Convert a q-series into an infinite product of the form (1+q^n1)*(1+q^n2)*...
  • packageversion - package version
  • prodmake - Convert a q-series into an infinite product
  • qbin - the q-binomial coefficient (aka the Gaussian polynomial)
  • qetamake - convert q-series to a product of eta-functions (variant of etamake)
  • qfactor - factor into terms (1-q^i)
  • quinprod - Watson's quintuple product
  • sift - Pick out the terms of a q-series in which the exponent belongs to a fixed residue class mod p
  • theta - theta function theta(z,q)
  • theta2 - the theta function theta[2](q)
  • theta3 - the theta function theta[3](q)
  • theta4 - the theta function theta[4](q)
  • tripleprod - q-series expansion of Jacobi's triple product
  • winquist - q-series of Winquist's product
  • zqfactor - Convert (z,q)-series into (z,q)-product

The url of this page is http://qseries.org/fgarvan/qmaple/functions/functions_1_0.html.
Created by F.G. Garvan (fgarvan@ufl.edu) on Friday, April 25, 2008.
Last update made Wed May 5 14:25:40 EDT 2010.

MAIL fgarvan@ufl.edu